About Us
Proudly serving healthcare workers and their families for over 50 years!
A credit union is a not-for-profit organization made up of a group of people who join together to save money and to make loans to each other at fair rates of interest. A credit union is organized by people of a particular group to share a common bond such as members of the same employer, church or community group. Credit Unions provide their members a secure place to save and a source of reasonably priced credit. Credit unions also have a social mission: to teach members about the value of savings and the wise use of credit.
Wisconsin Medical Credit Union was started by Mr. Leland Clark who had worked with Mrs. Leonard Hearden on Payroll and Personnel at St. Vincent Hospital. Mr. Clark thought a credit union would be a good way for employees to help other employees.
After several meetings with Mr. Ed Muehlenberg from the Wisconsin Credit Union League concerning by-laws and a charter, a meeting was held on June 3, 1965. 59 people were in attendance and Mr. Clark was elected Secretary pro-term. Mr. Muehlenberg, who was chosen to act as chairman of the meetings, explained that the by-laws and charter had been approved by the Commissioner of Credit Unions. 49 members belonged to the Credit Union that evening in 1965. The total share balance was $295.00 and there were no loans at the time.
Any individual living or working in Brown County
Any individual associated with the health care industry in Brown County and adjacent counties...
Calumet, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Shawano, Oconto, Outagamie
Immediate family members of individuals working in the health care industry
Immediate family members of current credit union members
Employees and Associates of medical service organizations in Brown County
Employees of the credit union and their immediate family members
Any organization or association if a majority of the shareholders, partners, members, or owners are eligible for membership
Any trust if a majority of persons, settlors, trustees, and beneficiaries are eligible for membership
To become a member and take advantage of our full line of services, you must open and maintain a regular share (savings) account. You can do this by making at least a $25.00 deposit into a share (savings) account. Not sure if you qualify for membership? Call (920) 432-4353 for help.
Both knowledge and money, members help themselves and each other achieve economic and social advancement. Credit unions assist people of modest means to take control of their financial destiny. All members are equal owners of the organization and have equal privileges, opportunities and responsibilities. Each member has one vote in the election for committee members and board of directors.