Fees & Charges
Fees and Charges | Effective date 02/01/2024|
Account Verification fee | $5.00 |
ACH Origination | Free |
Bill Pay Service | Free |
Balance drops below Money Market Minimum | $15.00 per month |
Box of checks | Per quote |
Cashier's Check | $3.00 per check |
Check Cashing (members with only savings accounts) | 10% of check |
Coin Counting (member with only savings accounts) | 10% of coin |
Commercial Lenders check presentation fee | $10 per $100 of the draft |
Debit Card | First debit card is FREE |
Debit Card replacement | FREE for first one, $5.00 for each recurrence |
Debit Card Chargeback Proven to be Legitimate Fee (Minimum transaction amount $30.00) | $45.00 per chargeback |
Deferment fee | $35.00 |
Dormant account fee (If aggregate saving balances are less than $25.00 or no deposits or activity for 24 months) |
$5.00 per month |
Early withdrawal from Christmas Club, Vacation Club or Tax Club | $15.00 per time |
Excessive ATM withdrawal fee | $.50 per item (first 5 withdrawals are free) |
Fax fee/Copy | $1.00 per page |
Forced Closed Checking Account | $50.00 |
Forced Place Insurance Processing | $25.00 |
Home/Mobile Banking | FREE |
Image retrieval of check written on account | $5.00 per item |
Incoming Wires | $15.00 |
Outgoing wire transfer fee | $25.00 Domestic |
Loan Processing Fee (small or short term) | $20.00 |
Mailing Check Fee | $2.00 |
Money Orders | $1.00 per draft |
Money Order/Corporate Check Stop Payment | $35.00 per draft |
Money Order Void/Void and Reissue | $10.00 |
Notary Public Service | Free to members, $25.00 for non-members |
Overdraft Protection Transfer Fee | $5.00 per item |
Overnight mailing request USPS | $50.00 |
Phone Transfers done thru Credit Union staff | $2.00 |
Research and Balance Fee | $25.00 per hour |
Returned item NSF - Check, ATM and ACH | $30.00 per item |
Returned mail fee | $2.00 per item |
Reversal of loan payment | $15.00 |
Skip a Payroll fee | $20.00 |
Statement reprint | $2.00 per page |
Stop payment of a personal check or ACH | $25.00 each, $50.00 for a group |
Stop payment with un-validated amounts | $50.00 initial charge per item $15.00 per item for each subsequent return after |
Unclaimed Property Handling | $150.00 |
Tax Levy processing | $25.00 |
Non Member Check cashing fee | $10.00 (On US Checks only) |
Unclaimed Property Handling | $150.00 |
Under Dormant Account Fee add Dormant checking fee – no activity for 6 months | $5.00 per month (close after 12 months inactivity) |